A Simple Man’s Guide To Using VS & TFS 2010

One of the areas I personally struggle with is planning and organizing. I’m a doer. Git-r-dun! I can see a task and wiz through coding it. As long as I’m the only developer, this works great. When you’re the team lead, it’s not a good thing. What ends up happening is that everything is in your head. The team doesn’t know what to work on and the users don’t know the status of the project.

Want to know if you’re in this category? Take a day off and see what happens! If you come back and find that things have gone haywire, welcome to the club.

So what’s the solution? For me, learning Agile and Scrum basics and using VS/TFS 2010 to keep track of stuff. For the next several posts, I ‘m going to document how we’re going to use VS/TFS 2010. If you’ve done it differently, please let me know. I’ll update this post as the master to keep track of everything together.

The first step will be to create a user story for each discrete activity. Then we’ll write the test cases that insure things are working correctly. Finally, we’ll create the tasks for the actual coding. The following links cover each of the items in VS/TFS 2010 and how we’ll be using them.

User Story

Test Case




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