Parse CSV or other separated strings
I had to work with Comma Separated Values (CSV) files the last few days and updated some code to make it easier to use with LINQ. Quick review, a CSV file is a file that has all of the values separated by a comma. Values that contain a comma are typically qualified with double quotes. For example:
Abraham, Lincoln, 03/4/1861, 04/15/1865, "Republican, National Union"
Basically, I created a class called SeparatedString that performs all the functionality of parsing the data so that I can retrieve it later. When the Text property is set it figures out the location of all relevant commas and loads them into a List. The GetValue method then uses the index to grab the occurrence of the comma that precedes the value to be retrieved.
Public Class SeparatedString ''' <summary> ''' Contains the position of all separator characters in the string ''' </summary> ''' <remarks></remarks> Private _Separators As New List(Of Integer) ''' <summary> ''' The CSV text of the string. ''' </summary> ''' <remarks></remarks> Private _Text As String Public Property Text() As String Get Return _Text End Get Set(ByVal value As String) _Text = value LoadSeparatorPositions() End Set End Property Private _Qualifier As Char = Chr(34) ''' <summary> ''' The character used to qualify text strings. ''' </summary> ''' <value>The character used to qualify text strings.</value> ''' <returns>Char</returns> ''' <remarks> ''' <para> ''' Default value: double quotes - chr(34) ''' </para> ''' Depending on the tool used to create the string, text ''' strings may be qualified by a character, typically double quotes. ''' <example> ''' "John", "Quincy", "Adams", 01/01/2003, 54 ''' </example> ''' </remarks> Public Property Qualifier() As Char Get Return _Qualifier End Get Set(ByVal value As Char) _Qualifier = value End Set End Property Private _Separator As Char = "," ''' <summary> ''' The character used to separate values. ''' </summary> ''' <value>The character used to separate values.</value> ''' <returns>Char</returns> ''' <remarks> ''' <para> ''' Default value: comma ''' </para> ''' <example> ''' "John", "Quincy", "Adams", 01/01/2003, 54 ''' </example> ''' </remarks> Public Property Separator() As Char Get Return _Separator End Get Set(ByVal value As Char) _Separator = value End Set End Property ''' <summary> ''' Loads the list of separator positions. ''' </summary> ''' <remarks> ''' The _Separators list is cleared and loaded with the ''' position of all separators. If the string is empty ''' or contains no unqualified separators, the list is ''' empty. ''' <para> ''' NOTE: Separators found within qualifiers are not ''' stored. ''' </para> ''' </remarks> Private Sub LoadSeparatorPositions() _Separators.Clear() If _Text.Trim.Length < 1 Then Return Dim IsInQualifier = False Dim CurChar As Char 'Dim x = 0 For x = 0 To _Text.Length - 1 CurChar = _Text.Substring(x, 1) If CurChar = _Separator And Not IsInQualifier Then _Separators.Add(x) If CurChar = _Qualifier Then IsInQualifier = Not IsInQualifier Next End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Gets the value at the specified separator position. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="occur">The occurance of the separator that begins the value.</param> ''' <returns>String</returns> ''' <remarks> ''' NOTE: The list of values is zero based unless the string begins with a separator. ''' <example> ''' <![CDATA[ ''' Dim sStr As New SeparatedString(Chr(34) & "John" & Chr(34) & ", " & Chr(34) & "Quincy" & Chr(34) & ", " & Chr(34) & "Adams" & Chr(34) & ", 07/11/1767, 80") ''' Console.WriteLine("First Name: " & sStr.GetValue(0)) ''' Console.WriteLine("Middle Name: " & sStr.GetValue(1)) ''' Console.WriteLine("Last Name: " & sStr.GetValue(2)) ''' Console.WriteLine("Date Of Birth: " & sStr.GetValue(3)) ''' Console.WriteLine("Age: " & sStr.GetValue(4)) ''' ]]> ''' ' You'll need to remove the CDATA start and end. ''' ' ''' 'This example produces the following results: ''' 'First Name: John ''' 'Middle Name: Quincy ''' 'Last Name: Adams ''' 'Date Of Birth: 07/11/1767 ''' 'Age: 80 ''' </example> ''' </remarks> Public Function GetValue(ByVal occur As Integer) As String If occur > _Separators.Count Then Return String.Empty Dim start = 0 If occur > 0 Then start = _Separators(occur - 1) + 1 Dim value As String = "" If occur < _Separators.Count Then value = _Text.Substring(start, _Separators(occur) - start) Else value = _Text.Substring(start) End If value = value.Trim value = value.Replace(_Qualifier, "") If value.Length < 1 Then Return String.Empty Return value End Function ''' <summary> ''' Creates a new instance of the SeparatedString class. ''' </summary> ''' <remarks></remarks> Public Sub New() Separator = "," Qualifier = Chr(34) End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Creates a new instance of the SeparatedString class with the specified value. ''' </summary> ''' <remarks></remarks> Public Sub New(ByVal value As String) Text = value End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Creates a new instance of the SeparatedString class with the specified value, separator and qualifier. ''' </summary> ''' <remarks></remarks> Public Sub New(ByVal value As String, ByVal sep As Char, ByVal qual As Char) Separator = sep Qualifier = qual Text = value End Sub End Class
You can simply use the class out of the box or inherit from SeparatedString and create a class that has meaningful properties that can be used with LINQ.
Public Class President Inherits SDG.FileHandler.SeparatedString Public Const FirstNameKey As Int16 = 0 Public Const LastNameKey As Int16 = 1 Public Const TermStartKey As Int16 = 2 Public Const TermEndKey As Int16 = 3 Public Const PartyKey As Int16 = 4 Public ReadOnly Property FirstName() As String Get Return GetValue(FirstNameKey) End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property LastName() As String Get Return GetValue(LastNameKey) End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property Party() As String Get Return GetValue(PartyKey) End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property TermEnd() As Date Get If IsDate(GetValue(TermEndKey)) Then Return GetValue(TermEndKey) Return Date.MinValue End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property TermStart() As Date Get If IsDate(GetValue(TermStartKey)) Then Return GetValue(TermStartKey) Return Date.MinValue End Get End Property Public Sub New() MyBase.New() End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal value As String) MyBase.New(value) End Sub End Class
Putting it all together, I simply read the file and create a List. Since LINQ can be used on generic Lists, we're all set. The following reads a CSV file of US Presidents and returns those inaugurated in January.
Dim presidents As New List(Of President) Using dataFile = New StreamReader(TextBox1.Text) Dim line As String Do line = dataFile.ReadLine If line Is Nothing Then Exit Do If line.Trim.Length < 2 Then Exit Do presidents.Add(New President(line)) Loop Until line Is Nothing End Using Dim query = From p In presidents Where p.TermStart.Month = 1 Select p GridView1.DataSource = query.ToList
You can change the separator and/or qualifier. I made a conscious decision to not provide a mechanism to override the check for a qualifier. Simply use a character that will not appear in your file to get around this check.